Masterarbeiten am Geodätischen Institut

Laufende Masterarbeiten

  • An Efficient Assignment Approach for Position Tracking Using LiDAR Point Clouds
    Georeferencing multi-sensor-systems (MSSs) in urban environments is a challenging topic that has gained considerable interest in the last decades. In such environments, the global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) data may not be available or reliable enough due to the existing infrastructure. Also, the inertial measurement units (IMUs) are subject to drift over time. To overcome the shortcomings of GNSS and IMU, additional sensors can be used to provide a reliable georeferencing solution. In this Master Thesis the use of light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data is the main focus. By using such data, the available information from the surrounding infrastructures can be used, which in turn can lead to improved georeferencing solutions.
    Betreuung: Rozhin Moftizadeh, Dominik Ernst, Hamza Alkhatib
    Bearbeitung: Zhang Meng
    Jahr: 2024
    Laufzeit: 01/2024 – 06/2024
    © GIH
  • Leveraging uncertainty information to refine semantic segmentation for port and marine structures in the CNN context
    Estimation of the prediction uncertainty of previous trained segmentation networks and introduction of this information to the learning process of a new (modified) model instance to refine damage detection maps.
    Betreuung: Marvin Scherff, Frederic Hake, Hamza Alkhatib
    Bearbeitung: Waqas Munamar
    Jahr: 2024
    Laufzeit: 03/2024 - 09/2024
    © Scherff
  • Strategies for lowering the net land take in Germany and selected countries in the EU
    In Germany, the net land take in 2020 was 54 Hectares per day – mostly used for housing, industry and commerce (excluding extraction areas), public facilities. The German National Sustainability Strategy set the goal to reduce the net land take to 30 Hectares per day in 2020. This political goal was failed by far. The current political goal is to reduce the net land take to below 30 Hectares per day in 2030. Therefore, it is important for local planning authorities (municipalities) to change their strategies in urban development planning (e.g. brownfield development instead of greenfield development). In this thesis, different strategies and approaches for reducing the net land take used for urban development planning should be analysed and compared.
    Betreuung: Jörn Bannert, Winrich Voß
    Bearbeitung: Rahul Chandra
    Jahr: 2024
    Laufzeit: 09/2024 - 03/2025
  • Qualitative comparison of the products "Deutschlandatlas" and "Landatlas" for different user groups
    In Germany, two web-based products are available: “Deutschlandatlas” and “Landatlas”. These products are available for different groups of user. These resources are very valuable in a lot of different circumstances. The question that different user-groups are constantly asking themselves is which one is the best for their specific purpose. The aim of this study is to conduct a comparative analysis of the “Deutschlandatlas” and “Landatlas” focusing on their data, thematic coverage, actuality, geographical specificity and user interface design.
    Betreuung: Robin Dankowski, Jörn Bannert, Winrich Voß
    Bearbeitung: Abdelrahman Gamaleldin
    Jahr: 2024
    Laufzeit: 03/2024 - 09/2024
  • Strategic Municipal Heat Planning for Climate-Friendly and Cost-Efficient Heat Supply
    Germany aims to have climate-neutral heating by 2045. Municipal heating planning informs citizens and businesses whether they can expect a district heating connection or should opt for another climate-friendly heating option. The Heat Planning Act came into force together with the Renewable Heating Act on January 1st 2024. The Heat Planning Act came into force together with the amendment to the Building Energy Act on January 1st 2024. Both laws will help to achieve the climate targets in 2045. For the first time, all cities and municipalities in Germany will have local heat planning. This will give citizens, companies and energy suppliers certainty as to whether and which centralised heat supply they can count on locally.
    Betreuung: Jörn Bannert, Winrich Voß
    Bearbeitung: Vinny Wilson
    Jahr: 2024
    Laufzeit: 03/2024 - 09/2024
  • Einfluss von LoD2 vereinfachten Geometrien auf die Georeferenzierungs-Performance eines autonomen Fahrzeuges mittels Sensordatenfusion von IMU und LiDAR
    Betreuung: Holger Blume (IMS), Hamza Alkhatib, Mohamad Wahbah, Sören Vogel
    Bearbeitung: Lukas Ramme
    Jahr: 2024
    Laufzeit: 04/2024 - 10/2024
    © GIH / Ramme
  • Deep Learning-based Downsampling and Semantic Segmentation of LiDAR Data for Urban Localization of Autonomous Vehicles
    In the context of autonomous driving, localizing a vehicle in an urban environment is challenging due to dense infrastructures that disrupt satellite signals from Global Navigation Satellite Systems like GPS. To overcome this burden, LiDAR sensors can be deployed as they provide precise environmental scans that enhance localization accuracy, but they pose also significant challenges in real-time applications. Therefore, the examined approach in this thesis streamlines two common processes—downsampling and segmenting LiDAR data—into a singular, optimized model using advanced Deep Learning techniques. This innovative framework not only reduces computational load but also enhances the real-time capabilities of vehicle localization systems. The Deep Learning model and its training strategy are steered by a downstream localization filter that evaluates the incorporated processed LiDAR point clouds, ensuring the system's effectiveness in urban navigation.
    Betreuung: Marvin Scherff, Rozhin Moftizadeh, Hamza Alkhatib, Marius Lindauer
    Bearbeitung: Yaxi Wang
    Jahr: 2024
    Laufzeit: 05/2024 – 11/2024
  • Integrated Path Planning in an Extended Kalman Particle Filter Framework for Vehicle Navigation
    Path planning is essential for the efficient and safe navigation of autonomous vehicles in complex environments. This master thesis aims to compare various path planning approaches using a real-world dataset. The study will integrate these algorithms with an advanced particle filter to determine the most effective combination. The ultimate goal is to develop a framework that not only ensures reliable localization but also optimally derives the path for the robot to reach its destination.
    Betreuung: Rozhin Moftizadeh, Hamza Alkhatib
    Bearbeitung: Zao Yin
    Jahr: 2024
    Laufzeit: 01.10.2024 - 01.04.2025
  • Untersuchungen von akkustischen Unterwasser-Scandaten zur Erkennung von Schadensbildern
    Die alternde Infrastruktur der See- und Binnenhäfen in Deutschland und der demografische Wandel erfordern neue Sichtweisen, Technologien und Methoden bei der Vorbereitung und Durchführung des Lifecycle-Managements. Die bisher personal- und zeitintensiven Arbeitsprozesse müssen durch neue automatisierte Mess- und Analyseprozesse ersetzt werden, um transparent und ressourceneffizient sowie betriebssicher handeln zu können.
    Betreuung: Ingo Neumann, Christian Hesse, Frederic Hake
    Bearbeitung: Nils Jesper Cornelius
    Jahr: 2023
    Laufzeit: 12/2023 - 05/2024
    © HydroMapper
  • Quality Assured Deformation Analysis of Civil Infrastructures Using TLS Point Clouds
    Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) has emerged as a pivotal technology in 3D data acquisition. Within this context, the assessment of deformations in civil structures through TLS point clouds has become a critical research area. The primary objective of this master's thesis is to conduct an extensive deformation analysis using TLS point clouds, with a focus on developing a robust quality modeling framework and assessing the significance of identified deformations. To achieve this, the study will investigate the integration of quality information into surface approximations techniques to improve the reliability of deformation analysis.
    Betreuung: Jan Hartmann, Mohammad Omidalizarandi
    Bearbeitung: Siddique Baloch
    Jahr: 2023
    Laufzeit: 11/2023 - 05/2024
    © GIH
  • Influence of energy efficiency and climate protection measures on real estate purchase prices
    The aim of this study is to investigate whether an existing energy performance certificate has an influence on the purchase price when selling real estate. If an influence can be proven, the amount of the influence is to be determined.
    Betreuung: Jörn Bannert, Winrich Voß
    Bearbeitung: Ansa Anna Paul
    Jahr: 2023
    Laufzeit: 11/2023 - 05/2024
  • Model for burden sharing to optimise wind energy sites in a municipality or intermunicipally
    In the course of the energy transition, the designation of new wind energy sites has become a high priority. A model for municipal burden sharing is to be developed for this purpose.
    Betreuung: Jörn Bannert, Winrich Voß
    Bearbeitung: Niloufar Niknejed
    Jahr: 2023
    Laufzeit: 10/2023 - 06/2024

Abgeschlossene Masterarbeiten