Terms of use
Transponders are only issued to enrolled students in the field of Geodesy and Geoinformatics.
A transponder gives you eligibility to apply to the entrance doors of the building 3101 and to the CAD pool (room B129).
The transponders are the property of Leibniz University Hannover and are issued exclusively for the duration of the course of study.
They may only be used for purposes directly related to your studies.
Transponders unlock digital locking cylinders at the push of a button. Individual access authorisations are stored in a locking plan and locking operations are digitally logged.
In the event of misuse of a transponder, the owner will immediately block it, reclaim it and reserve the right to take legal action.
Deposit / Property rights
The deposit for a transponder is €25 and is to be paid by bank transfer to the account of the Geodetic Institute.
A transponder will only be issued after the deposit has been paid. The deposit payment must be proven by a bank-confirmed deposit/transfer slip or a receipt from a self-service account terminal.
The deposit will be refunded by bank transfer after the transponder has been returned.
Passing on to third parties
Transponders may not be transferred to third parties.
Loss / defect
The loss of a transponder must be reported to the operator of the locking system immediately. If this is not done, the owner reserves the right to take legal action in the event of any resulting misuse:
Leon Faust, Tel.: + 49 511/762-4266, E-Mail: leon.faust@zuv.uni-hannover.de
Karsten Urbaniak, Tel.: +49 511/762-4268, E-Mail: karsten.urbaniak@zuv.uni-hannover.de
Likewise, the key management of the Geodetic Institute: transponder@gih.uni-hannover.de is to be informed.
In case of loss or culpable damage to a transponder, the deposit will not be refunded. In this case, it will be used to purchase a new transponder.
If a transponder is defective, the key management of the Geodetic Institute is to be informed.
At the end of your studies/exmatriculation, the transponder must be returned to the key management of the Geodetic Institute. If this does not happen, the deposit will expire eight weeks after exmatriculation and will be used to purchase a new transponder.
Contact GIH Key Management
You can contact GIH key management at the following email address:
Privacy policy
Please note our informations on data privacy and our general privacy policy.