Efficiency optimization of geodetic measurement processes

Led by: | Hansjörg Kutterer |
Team: | Ilka von Gösseln |
Year: | 2009 |
Date: | 01-05-09 |
Funding: | DFG |
Duration: | 05/2009 - 06/2014 |
Is Finished: | yes |

Project description
The efficiency optimization of measurement and evaluation processes of engineering geodesy requires a detailed modeling of the individual sub-steps. This modeling is realized by means of Petri nets. Thus computer-aided simulations can be carried out. To minimize the cost or duration of the measurement processes Genetic algorithms are used as an optimization method.
In construction, an increasing automation of construction processes is to be noted. This also results in increased demands on the efficiency and geometric quality of the civil engineering geodetic services. Engineering geodetic processes should therefore be designed as integral as possible to the building processes. In this context, the DFG-funded project Efficiency Optimization and Quality Assurance of Engineering Geodetic Processes in Construction (EQuiP) deals with quality assurance and the optimization of the efficiency of engineering geodetic processes, with a particular focus on construction, measurement and evaluation processes in building construction.
The main focus of the GIH project is the optimization of individual processes and the efficient integration of measurement and evaluation processes into the entire construction process. Efficiency optimization is based on models and criteria for assessing efficiency. These include runtime and cost models, which depend, among other things, on selected resources or the number of people involved.
The modeling and simulation of the measurement and evaluation processes using Petri nets forms an essential basis for efficiency optimization. The simulation is performed with different input values, whereby the efficiency optimization (for example, with the aim of the lowest possible cost) is realized with genetic algorithms.
Community Project:
Geodätisches Institut Hannover: H. Kutterer, I. von Gösseln
Institut für Ingenieurgeodäsie Stuttgart: V. Schwieger, J. Schweitzer
Institut für Baubetriebslehre Stuttgart: F. Berner, V. Kochkine
Institut für Bauinformatik Hannover: V. Berkhahn, N. Rinke