Geodätisches Institut Hannover
Uncertainty Modelling of Echosounder Measurements

Uncertainty Modelling of Echosounder Measurements

© Mohammadivojdan
Betreuung:  Bahareh Mohammadivojdan, Frederic Hake
Bearbeitung:  Jan Ole Böllert
Jahr:  2023
Datum:  17-07-23
Laufzeit:  07/2023 – 01/2024
Ist abgeschlossen:  ja

Mobile mapping systems such as multicopter UAVs equipped with LIDAR sensors or ships equipped with sonar measurement systems are often used for rapid acquisition of large areas. Although the sensors are widely used, their uncertainty properties have not yet been thoroughly investigated. The aim of this master thesis is to develop a quality model for bathymetric sensors such as Echo soudners or bathymetric LIDAR.

Uncertainty modelling should take into account various features that influence the measurement (distance, atmospheric parameters, ...). The influence of these features should be quantified. Machine learning methods should be used in the modelling. In addition, methods based on parametric forward uncertainty modelling (with expert knowledge) are used as a basis for comparison of the machine learning model. At the end, the developed models should be validated with real data.

Recommended previous knowledge: MATLAB / Python, principles of LiDAR and Echo sounder systems.